
Qt Quick – Very simple rapid app development

Qt Quick is a part of the SDK from Qt. It consists primarily of the following:

  1. QML – markup language to create GUI interfaces
  2. Javascript – scripting language to manage user interactions
  3. C++ – fast and powerful programming language

By creating a Qt Quick application we are connecting all of these three parts into one. The most common use case for this type of application is to create a GUI with QML and Javascript to handle the user interface and user interactions and C++ as the back end to handle complicated calculations and time-consuming processes.

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Using HTTPS on localhost

There are several ways to run a dev server on a local machine. We can achieve this with built-in tools in the dev environment (such as ‘Django server’) or by setting up ‘nginx’ locally etc. All these solutions are awesome to use during day-to-day work and development.

However, each of these connections runs on a standard insecure HTTP protocol. Sometimes we want to work with third party services which are served by HTTPS and that we can not access without HTTPS on our server or we just simply want to test our system with a secure connection. To do this we need to enable HTTPS on our localhost. If anyone has ever tried to set it up, you may have noticed that it is not as easy as it sounds, and can be a little bit tricky.

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Using SOAP with SUDS – an introduction

I’m sure that most of you reading this post have heard/used the XML/SOAP – same as me.

However I’d never used the WSDL before, yet last week I needed to work with two, unconnected to each other APIs, using this protocol. So I’ve started researching WSDL and apparently it is the standard protocol for describing API methods of web services.

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